Transveld Meatmaster Report 2020-


What a year it has been for all in the global environment, who would have ever thought that we will face such huge challenges and adversities. Did we ever think that we would have challenges like the drought, Foot and Mouth Disease, and then the massive pandemic, all in a space of one year. But it happened and we have reached the end of 2020, much more mature and I believe that we have all grown in our character and ourselves personally. The pandemic has given us some time to reflect on what Life is all about and to understand our purposes. We most certainly grown closer to our families, loved ones and our passions.


The Transveld Meatmaster Klub despite all these massive challenges has experienced some incredible growth in membership, now standing at 28 members, which brought about diversity, new friendships and challenges in breeders to improve their quality of offerings.  This was most certainly seen at the three Auctions which was held with record Sales per Head and Total Sales Turnover per Auction. I must commend and congratulate each member that contributed to the success of these events. We can be proud of the market share that we have as “Transveld Meatmaster Klub” and potential buyers are confident to purchase at our Auctions. The results of the auctions are as follows:  Pretoria 153 Animals sold @ R891 000 Thabazimbi 126 animals sold @ R989 781 and Pretoria Flagship 249 animals sold @ R1 832 250.  These are fantastic results given the condition. Well done to all. In 2021 we will host three Auctions under our Name, and one assisted auction which we will facilitate.  These dates are 4th February 2021, 31 July 2021 and Flagship 2nd September 2021.  The assisted Auction will be held on the 22 May 2021 and is open to all Meatmaster breeders, however the club will draft the conditions of participation. A matter of attention must be given to the entries at auction timing, and we have implemented a system that will require breeders to have entries in 4 weeks prior to Auction date  and video and pictures 3 weeks prior for On- Line Platform. The expense is significant, and the exposure is not what it should be, so we pledge to all breeders to assist in this regard. There are many Auctions this year and we have to become more Pro Active if we want to capture our markets .Good news is that we have secured and negotiated a three year contract with CDP Auctioneers in which the costs are fixed, ensuring that each breeder can now define his expense. These values are as follows: On-Line Platform R10 000 and R30 per lot loaded, Commission to CDP5,5% marketing 2% Society is 0,5% now Publicized by Society, and Venue 2% including bedding.  Scanning has become an option (Society new rule) so we do not have to offer this but we have secured a deal with Lana which will carry a cost of R15/animal and travel cost if necessary. We have also engaged with CDP and will receive R10 00 per Auction in Marketing which will be managed by our marketing Team “Elizabeth Nel” and CDP allocated service providers. We have engaged with key sponsors again and they have pledged their support at our Auctions, for which we are very thankful.  This shows that these sponsors see value in our offering and want to showcase their product with us.  An extremely important point which has been implemented by the management is the following “Members of the TMK will have to present at least 1 Ram and 5 ewes at any one of the three Auction in 2021 to retain their membership. If, however any breeder cannot for-fill their obligation, then they can apply for exemption which will be duly considered by the management. Alternatively, membership will be forfeited and that member will have to re-apply. We have had to implement this to ensure commitment and continued involvement.


The financial position of the club is extremely healthy currently @ R26350,00 after we have settled all our expenses. The management has also embarked on a budget for 2021 and has allocated funding accordingly to the Auctions and the Marketing campaigns.  The budget was set up on the expenses and income generated in 2020. The indicators are that we will spend 50% on marketing, 30% on social and 20% will be in our reserve fund. We will embark on our Social Media campaign in Facebook and Website together with advertising in the journal again this year. We have also earmarked some magazine coverage which will showcase our Klub.  This has given the club the ability to allocate more funding to marketing projects and involvement in various activities. Handouts and posters will also form part of this drive. Membership fees for the year remain at R200 per member and will be payable prior to the first Auction in February 2021. Members will receive an invoice within the period.


Some new fresh concepts and activities will be embarked on in 2021. The management has agreed that we would like to give recognition to breeders that have excelled in their field and we have identified various categories.  The awards will be given at our prestigious Flagship Dinner to be held the evening prior to our Auction in Pretoria.  We have created a mechanism for the awards and the period in consideration will be September 2020 till 31July 2020. Which will also run concurrently in future.


  • Highest Price achieved for Ewe
  • Highest price achieved for Ram
  • Highest average achieved for ewe over period
  • Highest average achieved for Ram over period.
  • Inspirational Breeder of the year
  • Upcoming Farmer – breeders selling in first year.


The defined criteria will be given to each award in due course, we just wanted to advise of such acknowledgment that will take place. We have also made a decision that the AGM for the club will be held on 01st September 2020 at 09h00 at the Venue so that we can ensure that most member are present, and we also request that new members attend this AGM.


Thank you to every member that has contributed to the success of this club, it is an honour to serve and be actively involved in this club, where one can grow, find friendship and learn. We want to encourage each member to actively participate in the activities and events that are hosted by the club, as I am sure it gives the farmer the platform to market his breed/genetics to fellow farmers. May the Lord our God bless each household and carry each farming operation, knowing that through our Faith and Belief, we are enriched by his Love. Enjoy the festive season with family and friends and stay positive, encouraging each other.


Best regards

Charles Freeme

Chairman – Transveld Meatmaster Klub


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